Science Summit 2023
12th – 29th of September 2023, New York, Virtual and In-Person sessions
ISC and its partners organised the 9th edition of the Science Summit on 12-29 September 2023.
The role and contribution of science to attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be the central theme of the Summit.
Quotes from Science Summit 2023 participants:
My participation to the 2023 Science Summit in New York allowed to continue the discussion on the importance of the link between science and policy through the promotion of evidence-informed decisions at all levels of government. This 2023 edition of the Summit provided for an opportunity to discuss with relevant partners visions towards the development of the post 2030 Agenda through the science and policy nexus lens.
REMI QUIRION PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR GOVERNMENTAL SCIENCE ADVICE (INGSA) AND CHIEF SCIENTISTS OF QUEBECCOST has co-organised its first onsite Science Summit event this year. Realising the “Expanding scientific frontiers via international cooperation and networking” was an exciting experience filled with inspiration and stimulating collaboration. It allowed to reinforce the cooperation with the NSF AcceINet program and opened the door for engaging with new partners interested in global research and innovation networking.
KATALING ALFOLDI POLICY OFFICER AND GLOBAL NETWOKING TASK LEADER, COSTMy participation in the 2023 Science Summit in New York allowed me to continue the discussion on the importance of the link between science and policy through the promotion of evidence-informed decisions at all levels of government. This 2023 edition of the Summit provided an opportunity to discuss visions towards developing the post-2030 Agenda with the relevant partners through the science and policy nexus lens.
MARTINA DESOLE DIRECTOR, EUROPEAN LIVINGS LABSWe need scientists speaking with decision-makers, industry leaders, youth, indigenous people, and other groups to co-create a sustainable, healthy and equitable future world. The Science Summit provides that space through an inclusive global platform that brings together thought leaders from diverse backgrounds to discuss urgent solutions to humanity’s most pressing issues.

Agenda 12 – 29 September 2023
Virtual and In-Person sessions
View the Science Summit 2023 schedule & directory.